Privacy Information Sheet

ex art. 13 D. lgs. n. 196/2003 (italian Legislation)

Purposes and methods of data processing. Mandatory or optional data disclosure. Consequences of not providing your data.

Personal data collected during the registration process, are processed to guarantee access to the services provided by the web page as a member,and also in compliance with related legal obligations. Providing personal data for such purposes, is functional to the services requested and if yourefuse to provide your data, it will be impossible to provide you the services. The treatment does not require the consent of members.
Personal data will also be used for the sending of commercial information and sales promotion, direct market researches, services and events(hereinafter named "Marketing Activity") by TAXI SERVICE LTD, or by third parties. Treatment for commercial purposes will be conducted through traditionalmeans (e-paper) and using distance communication techniques, such as telephone, also without operator, email, mms, sms. To provide data for thispurpose is optional and its processing requires the consent of the client. The consent to the sending of commercial communications and promotionthrough automated means (Article 130, paragraphs 1 and 2, D. lg tools. n. 196/03) is extended to traditional forms of contact.
With the consentof the clients will be collected, through electronic means, analytical data and navigation options and professionals data(profiling), in order toimprove the marketing of TAXI SERVICE LTD. Lack of consent for this activity makes impossible to improve the marketing according the interests of users.
The software procedures used to operate the site may also acquire some personal information (navigation data), whose transmission is implicit in thecommunication protocols of the Internet, during normal operation, only to verify the correct functioning of the site and obtain anonymous statisticalinformation on their use. Specific security measures are observed to protect personal information against unauthorized disclosure, alteration ormisuse. For more information on this please view our Privacy Policy. The track (LOG) connections / navigations made by you is kept as required bylaw to respond to requests from the judicial authorities or other public institutions entitled to the detection of any responsibility in case ofcomputer crimes.

Subjects or categories of subjects to whom the data may be communicated or who may become knowledge as managers or agents, and the extent of its spread.

Personal data will be processed by a responsible management services for marketing and data processing manager.
Personal data may be disclosed to third parties to fulfill legal obligations to respect the orders of public authorities entitled to assertor defend a right in court. If necessary, regarding services or products in particular, personal data may be disclosed to third parties thatperform as drivers of autonomous data functions (f.e. Poste Italiane SpA, etc.). Without data providing, these products and services can notbe provided. Your personal information will not be disclosed, unless the service you have requested requires the publication of the name.

The rights stated in Article 7 D.LG. n. 196/03 (Italian Legislation)

You have the right to know: the origin of personal data; the purposes and methods of treatment; the logic applied in case of treatment with the helpof electronic means; the identity of the owner, manager and the persons or categories of persons to whom the personal data may be communicated or whocan learn about them as managers.

You have the right to update, rectify or, when interested, integration of data; erasure, anonymization or blocking of dataprocessed unlawfully, including data whose retention for the purposes for which it was collected or subsequently processed is not necessary;certification that the operations above have been made known, including their contents, to whom the data were communicated or disseminated,except where this proves impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate effort compared with the protected right.

You have the right to object, in whole or in part, for legitimate reasons, the processing of personal data regarding treatment for marketingpurposes. The right to object to the processing of your data for marketing purposes also extends to traditional communications, making it possiblefor the person concerned an opportunity to exercise that right in whole or in part (opposing for example, only the sending of promotionalcommunications conducted through automated tools).To exercise these rights, please contact the following address:

Data Owner and Holder

The data owner is TAXI SERVICE LTD - London.