Our driver's testimonies

hear the opinion of those who already work with us

Antonino Como

Bravodriver.com was a pleasant surprise for me, a breath of fresh air, a new way of working, easy and innovative, in contact with an efficient, friendly and helpful team. I have a clear and well-defined profile and my own technology platform that I use every day to better manage my reservations. In short, a new way to reach a larger clientele. Nothing more easy and simple

Lidia Lopez Muñoz

Without a doubt Bravodriver.com is the channel through which I get most of my business. Unlike other platforms, the customer chooses me based on the quality of the service I offer, the languages I speak, etc ... and this gives me even more satisfaction, and makes me feel passionate about my job

Marco Vitale

First of all the membership is totally free! Also, Bravodriver.com is very serious: they only work with licensed drivers and taxi providers and for us it is extremely important to avoid working with unauthorized taxis! I also like the invoicing system- it's all automatic. I receive an email with the invoice, I print it and that's it. Nothing could be simpler!

Giuseppe Caceci

My collaboration with Bravodriver.com began a year ago and my experience has been more than positive. It is very clear and intuitive, designed for those who want to be informed about the services of booking taxi transfers. I receive many reservations through Bravodriver.com, which has been a great help to my business